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 Circlemakers and Greenpeace unite!
Above: Greenpeace activists in Mexico crop circle we created.
Circlemakers John Lundberg, Wil Russell, Rob Irving and Mark Pilkington (pictured below) were invited to travel to Mexico by Greenpeace to collaborate on their genetically modified maize campaign out there. We created the crop circle in Ayotzintepec in the state of Oaxaca in south Mexico.
It was a very challenging project, having to cope with the climate which was variously very hot and very wet, the lack of oxygen due to the altitude we were working at and the challenge of creating a complex crop circle in mature maize that at 8ft tall towered over all of our heads and made our usual circlemaking techniques redundant. But with a bit of lateral thinking and sheer brute force we managed to craft a 200ft diameter crop circle in the shape of a question mark surrounded by a ring in four and a half hours. The image was very fitting as the campaign was hi-lighting the fact that maize crops in the region where we created the crop circle had already been contaminated and that numerous other fields across Mexico may well already unknowingly be contaminated with genetically modified crops, or could be contaminated in the future. Our work was covered in three Mexican national newspapers, and amazingly was even featured on the cover of one of them. It was a very powerful and moving experience working with Greenpeace on this campaign and we hope that this will be the first of many collaborations with them in the future.
Read more about the project and the campaign on the Greenpeace International and Greenpeace UK website.
Above: Aerial views of the 200ft maize crop circle we created.
Above: Local wildlife enjoying our equiptment, and us hidden in the long crop.
Photos: Greenpeace, Rob Irving.
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