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If you saw this leaked article in the Observer newspaper you'd know all about this very special secret preview screening of "Signs" for all of England's crop circle makers. The event took place in London on the 27th August 2002 and was made possible by our friends over at Disney. It was a very surreal evening, representatives from every known UK circlemaking team past and present were invited and the guest of honor was the one and only Doug Bower. It was the largest gathering of circlemakers in human history. We all decamped to a nearby pub and all those present were invited to sign a 'Signs" poster as a souvenir of the event for Doug (see photos below). Hatchets were buried, new friendships were forged and all of us can't wait for the 2003 crop circle season, circlemakers unite!
Photos courtesy: Chris Nash
Doug Bower shows off his sighting cap.
Doug compares notes with the new generation of circlemakers.
Doug surrounded by a sea of circlemakers!
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